Everything you need to know about

(Shirodhara treatment near me)

If you’re looking for a Shirodhara treatment near you, before searching for ‘Shirodhara treatment near me, you should remember a few things:

  • First, Shirodhara is one of the few Ayurvedic treatments in which oil is poured on the forehead. Depending upon the recommendation of your practitioner, the oils used may be warm or cool.
  • Second, it is usually done in a series of three, so be sure to find a practitioner who offers a package like this.
  • Third, verify if your practitioner has a good experience with Shirodhara treatments.
  • Fourth and lastly, try to make sure that you tell your goals for the treatment to the practitioner so that they can alter the treatment to your needs.

Before getting a treatment done, it’s always beneficial to search about it and get a deep understanding of what it is, how it is performed, and its side effects to avoid any complications.


Ayurveda is an alternative to conventional medicine. It originated in India about 3000 years back and has been practiced very enthusiastically, mainly in India and Nepal. Apart from this, other Asian countries like Tibet, China, and Japan also use this treatment option. In Japan, it is called “Suikin.”

It is based on the belief that health and well-being depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. In Ayurveda, it is believed that the head is an essential part of the body, as it is the seat of the senses and the site of the “third eye,” which is believed to be the source of intuition and higher knowledge.

According to ayurvedic texts, Shirodhara was initially used to treat various ailments, including headaches, insomnia, and stress. It was also believed to have several other therapeutic benefits, including improving cognitive function, reducing symptoms of depression, and relieving tension and headaches.

Over time, Shirodhara has become an essential part of ayurvedic medicine and is now widely practiced in ayurvedic spas and wellness centers worldwide. It is often incorporated into longer Ayurvedic retreats and wellness programs to promote relaxation and improve overall health and well-being.

What exactly is Shirodhara?

Shiro and dhara, the two Sanskrit words together make Shirodhara.

The meaning of Shiro is head and that of Dhara is a stream or flow.

The meaning of Shirodhara is a continuous stream of liquids over the forehead.

What is poured over the head?

Different practitioners use different oils, and there is no such fixation that only one oil can be used, but mainly sesame oil is used.

The oils commonly used are:

  • Season oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Clarified butter(ghee)
  • Mahanarayan oil
  • Animal milk
  • Coconut water or even plain water can also be used depending on the type of Shirodhara treatment being performed.


It is recommended to be done in the morning to achieve the best results. The approximate timing of this treatment is 30 to 60 minutes, but it can be less or more depending upon the state of the client and includes three steps mentioned below:

Body massage: before the Shirodhara treatment, the client is made to lie down with their eyes closed, and their body is given a light massage with ayurvedic oils to relax. This type of massage is called abhyanga treatment. Sometimes abhyanga is not required, so in that case, the shoulders and neck of the client are massaged.

Shirodhara: This primary step begins with covering the client’s eyes and ears so that the oil doesn’t enter them.

Then, the lukewarm oils are poured into a pot, mainly in a copper pot.

This pot must have a tiny hole underneath it that is held at a low angle, just 4 fingers above the forehead. The oils are poured onto the upper forehead in a steady, gentle stream from the Shirodhara pot. It is done for a minimum of 30 mins but can continue for a maximum of 60 mins. After this, the client is given a light scalp massage.

The last step: the client is given a light scalp massage. Then, the oil is removed from the client’s head, after which the head is wrapped in a cloth bonnet.

Types of Shirodhara treatments

The type of Shirodhara treatment depends upon the oil or liquid being used.

Following is the list of treatments:

Taila Dhara: in this treatment option, an ayurvedic oil is poured over the forehead, which then flows to the head of the client.

Takra Dhara: In takra dhara treatment, a continuous stream of buttermilk is given to the client, which gives a soothing feeling.

Dugda Dhara: the meaning of dugda is milk. So as the name suggests, this type of Shirodhara includes a stream of milk onto the forehead.

Kwatha Dhara: this procedure involves pouring decoctions which are made of various herbs.

Jaladhara: jal means water, hence this includes pouring either plain or, in most cases coconut water in a continuous flow.

Benefits of Shirodhara

There are several advantages of Shirodhara treatment.

It is mainly beneficial for insomnia, stress, and anxiety.

It provides a soothing feeling and provides a deep state of relaxation to the body and soul.

Besides this, it is also known to enhance sleep and remove headaches.

Side effects

As such, there is no proven side effect of Ayurvedic Shirodhara treatment, however, some people might experience watery eyes or a headache for a temporary period as a result of the treatment. This happens due to the pressure on their eyes and head from the weight of the water stream pressing down on their head.

The procedure of Shirodhara treatment is smooth as long as one follows directions precisely.

Shirodhara is not for:

  • Ladies being 8-9 months pregnant.
  • Those having any allergies from oil.
  • Those who have any neck fracture, cuts or injuries.
  • Those suffering from brain tumors.

In a nutshell, if you are finding a treatment to get deep relaxation and relief from stress, anxiety, depression, or insomnia, you need Shirodhara.

As you have obtained all this information, it’s about time to find an experienced practitioner, and now I won’t stop you from searching for ‘Shirodhara treatment near me.’ Good luck:)

About Clinic

Ayurvedic therapy is a health treatments which follows the teachings of Ayurveda. Each Ayurveda treatment is individually planned according to the needs of the patient and it should be prescribed by a qualified Ayurvedic doctor.

Every cure includes a specific Ayurvedic diet which corresponds with the patient's constitution type.

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